In the Illinois Department of Transportation’s Springfield campus, TKB recently developed the requirements for a new design-build project working with the CDB and IDOT input.
The new building will house specialized materials testing laboratories for IDOT along with associated offices. The building will be divided into the state materials testing headquarters, and a district location with independent functionality. Proximity of offices to laboratories by employee responsibilities is an important intention for the project. Daylight is critical to some of the laboratories, and all of them require high bay clearance and careful material moving capabilities.
Detailed project requirements are captured in bridging documents completed by the TKB project team and approved by IDOT and the CDB. The CDB is now using these bridging documents as the project basis as they interview potential design-build teams; TKB has assisted with the interviewing effort. TKB will continue to work with the CDB and IDOT as the project design and construction progress, providing oversight to assure compliance with the bridging documents.