Team TKB

Mar, 2019

March 2019



The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign prepares to break ground on the TKB-designed Life Home – Research Home and Laboratory Facility, designed to test products and concepts that facilitate independent living for persons with disabilities.

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Jan, 2019

Feb, 2018

January 2018


Construction began on TKB’s design for a long-term client at the Garland Building in Chicago. The project expands their offices onto an additional full floor of the historic building, and includes a central collaboration area and a connecting stair.

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Jun, 2017

Summer 2017 – Aon Scholars Program


maryam-mike-jojoFor the third year in a row, TKB is participating in Harold Washington College’s Aon Scholars Program, which matches outstanding community college students with Chicago firms affiliated with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses.  This summer, TKB welcomed accounting student Maryam Hajipour.  Maryam’s enthusiasm for learning and hard work bode well for a successful future career!

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Dec, 2016

December, 2016


In honor of the holiday season, TKB made an employee-directed donation to the Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center.    ChicagoCAC is a long term client, for whom TKB has worked on multiple facility renovations and their recent building addition (see link to: PBC/CCAC project).  TKB believes in the ChicagoCAC mission, and previously made in-kind donations of conference chairs and tables to help furnish their expanded facility.

ChicagoCAC provides a safe place for children and their families to report abuse and to heal.  Their holistic approach is an example to other communities and organizations.  We appreciate the hard work and caring demonstrated by the ChicagoCAC, and are delighted to share with them.

To learn more about ChicagoCAC, you can check out their website here.  You can also visit their Facebook page here and give them a “Like” too!

You can also check out our project with ChicagoCAC here.

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Photos:  (top left) Char Rivette, Executive Director – ChicagoCAC & Paula McKendry, Interior Designer – TKB
(top right) Char Rivette with TKB Team (photo credit:  Trevor Peterson, Chief External Affairs Officer – ChicagoCAC)
December, 20162024-11-26T13:13:38-06:00

Oct, 2016

ALA Design Award of Merit – Public Building Commission Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center


The Association of Licensed Architects (ALA) recently awarded the Public Building Commission Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center Addition the 2016 Design Award of Merit.

As a subconsultant to Holabird & Root, TKB completed the programming, planning, finishes and furniture for the 20,000 SF addition.  TKB was also the prime architect for renovation of the existing building, and the prime interior designer.  In addition to the ALA Design Award of Merit, the project has recently received LEED Gold certification.


ALA Design Award of Merit – Public Building Commission Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center2016-12-22T16:02:10-06:00

Jul, 2016

Harper College Educational Foundation Board – Retiring Board Member


MarthaAt the June 7 Harper College Educational Foundation Board meeting, Martha Bell retired from the Harper College Educational Foundation Board of Directors and was honored for her 25 years of service to the College.

Martha joined the Harper College Educational Foundation Board of Directors in 1991. Over the years, Martha has served the Foundation in many capacities, including chairing the Art Committee and the Gala Committee and serving as the first female president of the Foundation Board. She is an advocate of the arts and was instrumental in growing the College’s art collection to the largest public art collection in the Northwest suburbs. In 2008, Martha received the James J. McGrath Recognition Award, honoring her for her outstanding community service to Harper College.

Martha, along with her late husband, Glen Reeser, established two scholarships to help Harper College students. The Jackie Bukacek Endowed Scholarship and the Glen Reeser Scholarship to Promote Creativity in STEM Studies were created to support students studying art. Martha established an estate gift to Harper College, which will support the arts at the College for generations to come.


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Aug, 2015

Returning Member


michelleMichelle Bowman rejoined TKB after completing a master’s program at the University of Wisconsin; she is working toward her architecture license.

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Welcome a New Team Member



Lisa Farley joined TKB as the office manager. She will be managing the firm’s product library and assisting with proposals. Please join us in welcoming Lisa!

Welcome a New Team Member2024-11-26T13:13:39-06:00

Sep, 2012

TKB Leader Believes in Volunteerism


A long-time volunteer for numerous organizations, Martha Bell, FAIA, LEED AP, once again served as a juror for the Building Design + Construction Awards, for the reconstruction category. Martha’s belief in giving back has also led her to serve as a member of AIA Chicago Bridge 3.0, a leadership and mentorship program for young architects. The organization provides Young Architects and Associate AIA members with access to AIA Fellows (FAIA) to “bridge” the gap between the need for mentorship in our profession and the ability of experienced Architects to pass on what they have learned to the future generation of architects. Martha is excited to share her knowledge and support emerging professionals!

For more information visit:

TKB Leader Believes in Volunteerism2016-12-05T11:43:39-06:00
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