As the world gets ready to get back to work, one question lingers in all of our minds, “are we ready?”; the COVID19 pandemic has changed the course of our life in every aspect. Before the pandemic, we would walk around freely with our coffees, enter the office and say our hello’s, come in contact with a number of persons to create a harmonious work environment. Now, we are cautious, scared and anxious to be in such environments; this has had a direct impact on how offices will be designed and how people will interact with one another in the future

Several questions pop up when we think of how an office would re-acclimate to its user needs. Would we have all our workstations six feet apart? Would we have tall shields that enclose our workstations and protect us from infection spreads? What types of materials would we avoid in order to promote a hygienic environment?


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These are questions everyone is asking, some industry members have initiated and brought design solutions for the workplace post COVID19. The TKB family brings to you a few design solutions from the industry all under one roof.

Stay tuned for more insight next week!


Visit the CDC website below for general guidelines and mitigation strategies at the workplace:

Industry Solutions: