
Archived Posts

Sep, 2010

The Architecture Around Us: An Exhibit


exhibitTKB invited by the Northwest Cultural Council to present an exhibit featuring our work in office and educational environments. Join us for the opening reception September 24, 2010, 5-7PM.

The Architecture Around Us: An Exhibit2024-11-26T13:13:40-06:00

Nov, 2010

 27th Annual Reconstruction Awards 


bdraBuilding Design+Construction Magazine’s annual Reconstruction Awards seeks to find the best renovation / reconstruction projects each year, based on: 1) Overall design, engineering, and construction quality 2) How architectural teams solve problems and meet client needs while producing a structure with enhanced social, economical, cultural, and community value. For the second year, TKB’s Martha Bell, FAIA is elected judge of the competition.

The results are now available online…

 27th Annual Reconstruction Awards 2024-11-26T13:13:40-06:00
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